Quantitative determination of copper on serum.
Traces of copper can be found in serum, mainly linked to its vector protein (ceruloplasmin). Plasmatic copper and ceruloplasmin diminish with Wilson’s disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) because of a slow hepatic synthesis of ceruloplasmin. This causes an increase of urinary excretion and of copper deposits in liver. During estrogen therapy (and pregnancy), use of contraceptives or anti-epileptics ceruloplasmin synthesis and plasmatic copper increase. An increase may also be noticed in different inflammatory states and in Hodgking’s disease.
CL52-120S | 4x25ml+2x10ml+S |
Wavelength: 580 nm (578-600)
Optical path: 1 cm
Temperature: 37°C
Reaction: Increasing endpoint
Sample/Reagent Ratio (mono): 1/20