Urea UV

Kinetic UV Method


Quantitative determination of Urea on serum and plasma. Urease-GLDH method.

Urea derives from protein catabolism, more than 90% is excreted through the kidney. The increase in plasma urea can occur from kidney or heart failure, loss of water and salts, obstruction of the urinary tract, or increased protein breakdown. A decrease can be found in cases of hyper hydration, severe hepatic insufficiency, increased protein synthesis, deficient protein intake in the diet.


CL54-200 4x40ml+4x10ml

Analysis: decreasing kinetic
Wavelength: 340 nm (334 - 365)
Cuvette: 1 cm optical path
Temperature: 37°C
Rate time: 1 minute
Reading: against air or distilled water
Sample/Reagents (bi): 1/100/25
Sample/Reagent (mono): 1/100

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