Quantitative determination of Triglycerides on serum and plasma according to Trinder reaction.
Triglycerides (TG) are the product of esterification of glycerol with fatty acids. After being ingested with food, they are hydrolyzed in the intestine by pancreatic and duodenal lipase in emulsion with biliar acids, absorbed as glycerol and fatty acids and then re-synthesized in TG and vehiculated as chylomicrons through intestinal lymph by which they get the typical chylous aspect. Through venous circle they reach the liver and the adipose tissue where they represent 95% of reserve deposits. TG increase after meals, with stress, smoke and alcohol consumption.
CL53-200S | 4x50ml+S |
CL53-400S | 4x100ml+S |
Method: increasing endpoint
Wavelength: 550 nm (540 - 560)
Optical path: 1 cm
Temperature: 37°C
Reaction Time: 10 minutes
Reading: against blank reagent
Sample/Reagent: 1/100